Wow, the trip to Zimbabwe was a great success! We wanted to give a BIG THANKS to each and every one of you for your prayers and financial support. None of this would have happened without your help. Of course, you are credited in heaven with every soul won to the Lord.
The first week, Pastor John spoke in a new city in Harare, . We set up the tent in the Hatcliffe neighborhood on the school grounds. Posters announcing the event were set out throughout the nearby areas. To complete the undertaking of the crusade, it took many workers, pastors, and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our thanks to all who contributed with their time, energy and finances; who tirelessly came to help in this five-day crusade.
The second week Pastor John spoke in Karoi at a 5-day pastor’s conference. Last year over 100 Pastors attended the conference. This conference was organized through Far and Away Missions (founders Tom & Linda Kelly). Pastor John has been a board member of Far and Away Missions for many years.
Last, but not least, the water well! We teamed up with Far and Away Missions to drill a well for a whole village. See the photos and details below.
Hundreds were saved, healed and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Also, we held meetings for deliverance and had the same results.
At one of the night sessions of the crusade in Hatcliffe, an outside area of Harare. The people in this town live in very poor conditions; they don't have electricity in their homes. The entire event was powered by generators.
Hatcliffe-Harare Crusade. Martin + Ivy Sibanda, our Harare Resident Pastors.
Mission Wildfire joined with Far and Away Missions in producing a new water well (a bore hole, as they call it in Zimbabwe) in a village approximately 20 kilometers outside the city of Karoi. The driller called "Legacy" owned by Ronny Hillsman and his wife are spirit filled Christians, hit water at 33 meters!
Water well in progress; the crew is working in the construction area. Pastor Tom Kelly, Ronny Hillsman, and Pastor John right before the drilling start. The children from the school nearby are watching the progress of their water well. Pastor John anointed the well and had a sample of clean, fresh water from the water well.
For the first time, this village has good clean drinking water for them to drink, bathe, cook and for the livestock. What a tremendous blessing to them. They send their love and great gratitude to everyone who made this happen, thanks be to the Lord and you who gave towards this project. We are planning on doing five (5) wells next year!
The second week we held a pastor's conference sponsored by Far and Away Ministries. The attendance was around 200 Pastors, both men, and women. They represented approximately one hundred churches.
We had sessions every day from 9 am to 4 pm. The feedback was great, they were inspired and more than ready to go back and start teaching to their congregations. This was my second year speaking to the pastors; they were refreshed! The pastors left stronger and more passionate about their calling. Each year gets better and better!