
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you would, Bless my business unless you find it ungodly. In that case, help me find work that honors you. Make me a diligent worker, one who inspires my boss and leads him to trust you. Bless my family and other families through my business. Use my business to glorify Your Name God, in whatever way you desire. Give my business a firm foundation on which to grow spiritually. Keep my employer from making mistakes that would jeopardize the employees.

Keep my boss from leading me to lie. Multiply the harvest to yield honest profit. Enlarge the margin while reducing the time I must spend earning it. Help me provide for my family as You provide for me. By Your mercy, grant us sales and honest margin. Make my testimony clear to other workers. May the work I do speak well of Your influence.

Protect me from creating hardship on anyone else. May the products I produce bless others and have longevity. Help me enjoy the tedious and reflect Jesus through my attitude. Protect workers from harm on and off the job. May our business practices be honorable and fair. May it prosper to prosper others.

Fill the sales book today with blessings. Give me grace to do what must be done. Give them healthy and honest profit. Use our products to bless others. May we treat customers fairly and with respect. Meet needs today while giving me time to relish in your Holy Word. Shelter us under Your provision, Lord. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen