Friends, we need to assure ourselves as Christians, who are we? What authority do we have that God has granted us in His word? Can we take His promises (scriptures) and use them to draw closer to Jesus, better ourselves in this journey, turn around issues that come against us daily, and exercise authority?
The answer is yes. Declaring what the Word of God says we are, and what the Word says we can do, not only changes our lives but others. You are everything God says you are, not what you think you are!
How can we get started? You already started! You have experience in declaring and making decrees. Some of your words are good, unfortunately, others damage yourselves and others.
We say things like: “I am sick,” “I am broke,” “I will never make it,” “I don’t think I can get that job,” “I don’t look great,” etc. We use our words to judge others, gossip, and curse ourselves and others. Does this make you say “ouch?”
The words we speak have power and potentially create life or death (James 3:5-10).
Noun/Law: a formal and authoritative order, a judicial decision or order.
Theology: one of the eternal purposes of God, by which events are foreordained, to command, ordain, or decide by decree.
Is the Bible trustworthy? This is an assurance you must establish in your heart first, without a doubt, period.
God’s Word is powerful. The Bible (His Word) is well able to profoundly influence your life. God’s Word does not return void, it accomplishes what it is sent (declared) to do (Isaiah 55:11). The Word of God is eternal, it is an unbreakable covenant we have in Christ. “…Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away…” Mark 13:31.
His Word declares His promises are yes and amen. (2 Corinthians 1:20) Can you imagine, by believing one scripture you can conquer mountains, change your life and become a great influence as a follower of Jesus?
When we make a declaration, we build our faith and align our thinking with God’s thinking! These declarations make a legal proclamation that comes from God Himself, giving us the authority to operate in a power that trumps all other powers.
“Decree a thing, and it shall come to pass.”
I made mention, in the beginning, we are already making decrees, they can be a blessing or a curse. Our daily declarations are a confession of faith that puts God’s Word to work. Declaring God’s Word is establishing His will and purpose (Hebrews 11:3).
We are to be changed when we come into salvation, it started when we believe in our heart and confessed with our mouth that Jesus is Lord; His Blood shed provided our eternal salvation.
Changing our thoughts to speak positively is tough. I have been doing this for 44 years. With all I know and I’ve learned, I still need to watch my mouth.
“Put a watch over my mouth and a door over my lips.”
Till next week, I pray that the Lord will move upon you in areas of your heart with His strength and love that you will submit to His loving care and direction.
John Cento
Overseer, Mission Wildfire International