Dear friends, last week we covered the intro to declaring God’s word, making decrees which are The Lord’s promises. Your life, family, and business can be totally changed by speaking His word and believing in your heart.
In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the earth, which was without form and void. (Sometimes you might feel your life is going through something like this) When He spoke (declared) …and the Spirit of God moved upon the waters, Genesis 1:1,2. The “spirit of God” in this instance is important. This Hebrew word for spirit means “wind or breath of God. That word is RUACH, so God’s breath (His Words) was "as a wind".
This has not changed; His wind is still moving through the earth but mostly through the lives of us as believers. He is the wind on the inside of us, as we are gloriously filled with His spirit. His breath is from within us is then expressed when we speak or prophesy.
When you were saved, you received The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit? Do they reside in you? It is the Holy Spirit that inspired and caused the Bible to be written, and it is the heart of God.
“Speaking out loud, declaring who you are, establishes victory!”
As you read His word, hear His word, and see the exploits of His majesty in your life and others, you know He reigns in all matters. It is by His Word you live, speaking out creates changes, for it is His will that you prosper, be in good health as your soul prospers. 3 John 2.
When God created man, He breathed life into him, so you live by His breath, His very being is in you and being born of the spirit you have and possess everything the Bible says you are, proclaim it!
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 18:21 What kind of fruit do you like? Declare life, victory, favor, etc.”
Why do I continuously speak negatively, criticize, or be judgmental? Let’s remember we have the same enemy that Jesus had, and while he was defeated at the cross, the powers of darkness have invaded society, and from your youth, you have been subject to negativity with worldly standards.
We are told that we are more than conquers Romans 8:57 through Him who loved us. The world is led by dark forces. It falls into evil, and thus we have an onslaught upon us daily. Movies, songs, wrong teaching, fads, twisting of the truth, all meant to get us to conform to those ideals. Behold you are a new creature see 2 Corinthians 5:17.
“For it is you who blesses the righteous man (here you say your name or others), O Lord, you surround him (me) with favor as with a shield.”
From our youth, we pick up sayings that curse ourselves, create low self-esteem, and we do it constantly.
We can stay ahead of the game! Declaring God’s Word over our lives and others establishes our walk and our prosperity in Jesus beforehand. So, when circumstances arise, you are prepared and can overcome them by your testimony and the Blood of the Lamb.
• I am blessed with divine favor, it causes my enemies to be at peace with me.
• I continue to grow daily in favor. I receive favor everywhere I go.
• The Lord favors me, He confirms and establishes that all I put my hands to is blessed.
• God’s favor in my life is priceless, more valuable than silver or the finest gold.
Till next week,
John Cento
Overseer, Mission Wildfire International
Scriptures to mark and use: Proverbs 22:1, Psalm 3:12, Psalm 30:3, Proverbs 16:17, Luke 2:32, Isaiah 43:1, Job 29:6 and Job 3:9.