Last week was the intro to warfare, this week we will go deeper. Remember, Jesus proclaimed Himself in Luke 4:18-21, He had the anointing. He began a clear pattern of ministry, and it repeats itself wherever He went.
Proclamation means repentance and the Good News of the Kingdom of God. An announcement of this magnitude was His message and ours today, spread the good news of sins forgiven.
Demonstration: Cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, proving this was from the Kingdom of God.
Before departing from earth, His Ascension, Jesus calls the eleven to “make disciples.” All authority was given to me (Matthew 28:20).
“Jesus received all power in Heaven and earth.”
The Greek word in this passage for authority is "exousia" denotes power. By the in-dwelling Holy Spirit, we receive the power of Christ which is the authority of the Father.
A difficulty in the western Church is that most people don’t know there is a war going on. They don't see the relationship between God and Satan that the Bible depicts, only minimum awareness of the conflict between the two kingdoms.
Why is that? Because of their secularized, empirical perception of the Christian experiences, they believe they are living in a world unaffected by the two kingdoms. Satan has desensitized our worldly view of evil. We encounter Satan’s kingdom daily.
“We encounter Satan’s kingdom daily.”
Because they are not sensitive to it, example; they may repent of their sins and trust Christ, but overwhelmingly unaware they are a member of the new Kingdom that is opposed to everything that the world says is important. Western Christians are highly individualistic and privatized, and that equates to a limited view or little significance in the Kingdom of God.
The bottom line is that they haven't fully converted to God’s Kingdom. We seem influenced by the world’s values of materialism and anti-supernaturalism. The lack of understanding the Word of God inhibits us from experiencing power exhibited in the New Testament.
By accepting the supernatural as a natural part of Kingdom living we encounter Satan’s kingdom daily, it is here we take on Christ’s authority. Heal the sick, cast out demonic influence, demonstrate God’s reign.
We have seen and read where a worldwide Evangelist or Pastor has fallen. We are at war! 2 Samuel 1:25 "How are the mighty fallen during the battle." Hence, King David’s words saying, “a war casualty” is right.
The origin of war, as the Bible tells us began in the cosmic realm, evidently before the creation of man, in an angelic rebellion against the Lordship of God.
See Job 4:18, I Corinthians 6:3, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 6, Rev 12:7,8,9.
How could this happen in the presence of God who is Almighty? God never told us, all that the Bible explains is that this was where evil began in God’s universe.
Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to God, but what He revealed to us, belongs to us.
It’s a threefold war! This war ends when the final judgment of evil culminates, and we are involved whether we like it or not or even if you aren't aware of it.
“It’s a threefold war!”
It is a "sin" war; it wars against us, and we must learn to fight against sin.
Sin is a moral evil in contrast to natural evil. It is not a passive. It’s something that happens where righteousness is absent. Sin is at war with righteousness. It is an active, dynamic, negative, spiritual energy field and will seek to carry away everything with it and in its path.
It tempts, seduces, desires, delights and captivates, only in time to torment, torture and finally destroy.
Hebrews 12:1 NASB “let us lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us” ...
Sin weighs us down and entangles itself around us. It's hard to live a Holy life if the very atmosphere is burdened and saturated with sin. We must not give in just because everybody is doing it.
“Sin affects on a multidimensional level.”
Sin is personal, it comes from within. The flesh is the problem. In scripture, sin used in a variety of ways. For the purpose of this writing or aspect, sin directs as the negative, moral context, whereby our humanity becomes inclined toward evil, towards actions of independence from the will of God.
Galatians 5:16-21 is the classic description. Please read and highlight these passages in your Bible.
Sin is social – this is the problem of the world, as described in I John 2:15-17 NASB. “… Do not love the world…”
Sin is supernatural – it comes from above, Satan and his kingdom of demons, principalities, and powers. Darkness is what’s behind the wickedness of flesh and corruption of this world. Paul affirms this in Ephesians 2:13 “…You were once far off & have been…”
“Sin is social – this is the problem of the world.
“… Do not love the world…””
Dear friends take the time and look up these scriptures in your Bible and highlight them for future reference and study.
Next week, we take a look at three levels of warfare, until then all the Best!
John Cento
Overseer, Mission Wildfire International
We knocked over a few sacred cows during these past few weeks. The intention is to expose...