In learning the “How to” in accomplishing warfare, we must not be ignorant of the enemy’s schemes. We must go on the offense – challenge and dethrone demonic powers affecting us, the believers. It’s a war, don't overlook that fact!
The testimony from churches, evangelist and theological institutes that study demonic reports and compilations agrees that Satan has high ranking members of evil spirits to control nations, regions, cities, tribes, people groups, neighborhoods and other significant social networks of human beings throughout the world.
Doesn't this stand to reason since he can't be like the Holy Spirit which can be everywhere and know all things and has all power? He must set up this type of regimentation for worldwide coverage, how else can he communicate effectively, as a counterfeit to the Holy Spirit.
“We must not be ignorant of the enemy’s schemes. We must go on the offense.”
Deception is a most ingenious strategy. When we become deceived, we become persuaded that what we believe is right. Because we tend towards being insecure, we are continually looking for things that are secure and dependable. Fear and insecurity make us vulnerable – an easy mark to a voice that speaks with high confidence and sincerity.
Satan has developed many approaches relating to this and deception is a most viable force against human nature.
One common practice Satan has instituted is separating Christians one from another in belief groups. Sometimes by animosities and resentments, yet no matter the reason, the main issue is that we have denominations separating Christians from one another in their respective beliefs. Jesus sees us all as one (1) Bride, not splintered groups.
A massive deception is we can believe we are beyond temptation in some areas. We need others to help us see where we have become blinded. We need each other for lines of accountability. In this respect, we seem to be like the Lone Ranger and feel as that we need only to listen to God and no need to be with other members of the body of Christ. God does speak to us through others and sometimes not through those we like.
““Don’t be a Lone Ranger!”
We need each other for accountability. We need to be with other members of the body of Christ.”
So how do you know Satan is deceiving you? Age old question, isn't it? So, is it Satan speaking or your flesh?
Of course, Satan’s rule is to keep us in such struggles. I would say that it is always both Satan and the flesh, preferably one or the other. I Peter 5:8 states "Satan prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." If he finds a person struggling with the flesh, he isn't a fool; he will jump right in to take advantage of the situation.
At this point is where we need to know who we are in Christ, our authority to conquer and overcome the enemy right then.
The superior strategy the devil sows is for us to be sure that we can run our own lives. Being influenced we don't need a remedy or solution for the problem, but work it out. Satan could care less which way he perverts you, as long as you don't base any decision for God or under His directions. He wants us to reach conclusions based on human responsibility. Not seeking God for answers is one great way the enemy will keep us in the blind.
Bear in mind always that Satan’s primary attack is to the character of God. We see it today in forms of child abuse and others who have been demoralized. The principal lines of thinking are usually "Why didn't God prevent the abuse from happening?" "Is God able to heal the pain?" These kinds of questions create suspicious attacks to the character of God.
In the minds of some counselors (mostly secular approach), God and biblical truth may not be functional elements in their approach to healing. However, when God's character is involved, and that person finally gets convinced that the teaching of God's scriptures is entirely accurate, then healing can happen very quickly.
Deception is quickly accepted when the truth is in the background. Satan knows the Bible well and loves to twist it as he teaches the doctrine of demons, see I Timothy 4:1; he is not averse to speaking the truth if it will contribute to his ultimate purpose to deceive. If demons can set us up for deception, then they will speak some truth to get it done.
Always note that deception is available to be used in power. Satan can manipulate things in the physical world. He uses force to impress us and to get us to fear him.
“When God’s character is involved ... healing can happen very quickly.”
Today our belief in the power of God has declined, Satan has been remarkably successful in getting Christians to treat him as if he had skill with which they had no way of coping or overcome. Many think that if we leave the enemy alone, he will leave us alone. Unfortunately, this is not the case, and he won't let us alone.
What does the Bible tell us about Satan’s displays of power to deceive? There is real power involved in it. It is not just our imagination.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 "The coming of the lawless one will be by the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing." That scripture describes and identifies his counterfeiting activity, in the realm of power. As we draw closer to end times, this will increase.
Warfare is not about overwhelming or magnifying Satan. A good soldier knows his enemy; we need to know his tactics. Jesus is the Truth and our source of victory.
Of course, our priority is to our relationship with Jesus; understanding who we are in Him, strengthening our faith, no doubt that these are of utmost importance.
“A good soldier knows his enemy!”
I can't help but point out that in the final analysis, it is power delegated by God, but misused by one of His creatures, namely Satan. God has the supreme ability to create; Satan does not. These fallen angels do have the power to distort and manipulate what God has created, and he has been instrumental in getting us to look away from God in the creation and focus on the parts Satan has shaped by deception.
Humankind has the keen desire to have power. We want power over circumstances of life, power over people, and power over the future. God provides that capability for us; but when we lack in our relationship with Him, we put ourselves out for alternative temptations from the enemy.
Things that are counterfeit: witchcraft, divination, magic, and many other forms that bring us into deceptive ways, ever so slightly to not upset us entirely or all at once, but they slow drip to conquer us into his methods of fraudulent practices.
Loved ones, there is more to come on this series, stay tuned and blessings to you and yours!
John Cento
Overseer, Mission Wildfire International
We knocked over a few sacred cows during these past few weeks. The intention is to expose...