My friends, what kind of lifestyle do you live? Is it one that you declare and pray, using your God given spiritual authority? God wants us to use our words to accomplish His purposes. It doesn’t matter how dark or lifeless things may seem. When we speak, the Spirit moves powerfully just as in the beginning as in Genesis.
It is important that we believe, have faith and know who we are in Christ. The currency of Heaven that creates power to our words is FAITH! When we use the promises of God, i.e., scriptures, we quote what God has already declared. Whether it’s a description of who we are in Jesus, a personal promise of victory, or how about overcoming sickness? Not to mention putting a stop to attacks by the enemy.
“And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who approaches Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.”
God is working within us to shift things, making them better. We become a powerful instrument in the hands of the Lord. Becoming as the Word says, the wind in His fists. Proverbs 30:4 “Who has ascended into heaven and descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists?”
The main point of this proverb is that Jesus is the one who descended from above and then ascended. The purpose is to teach man who does not know what to do by himself. When we seek the Word of God, we find Wisdom, and we can declare it. We can be sure that those promises will go forth because they originate from Him who created the heavens and the earth.
Listen to the Father’s still, small voice! In other words, seek the Spirit of Counsel that flows from the Throne of God. Man has no answers; the voice of the world is bankrupt of divine wisdom. It is fraught with distractions and dispossession. Do not let your “old man” become disenfranchised from the promises of God. 2 Corinthians 5:7 “therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away, behold all things become new.”
This act of making a decree(s) may seem difficult to accomplish. Well, it starts just like you would eat an elephant, one bite at a time. First, ask the Lord to direct you to a scripture He wants you to claim as yours. Study it, let it become part of you; trust and learn from the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to show you how to take that promise and make it personal.
“Ask Him to show you how to take that promise and make it personal.”
Then, speak that scripture out loud. Let it run with the air, in the fists of God. Your mind will do what the scripture says, and in faith, your life, family, body, and lost loved ones will start to turn around.
Grab a notebook or create a journal, write that scripture! Put a heading on it, add to it. Maybe it is a declaration for our nation, a sickness or financial need. Listen to the Holy Spirit, make notes of what He speaks to you.
Read the gospel of John, see what the book says about you in Christ. Take scriptures and apply them to you. Your relationship with Jesus is personal, and He cares about you!
Below are a few declarations, perfect examples for you to get an understanding. How long will it take for you to get a handy journal? After 44 years walking with the Lord, it is now that I am just getting started with my journal.
Practicing declarations is a lifestyle. You will change! Step-by-step you will go from victory to victory.
- “The Lord has blessed me so that I will be a blessing to others."
- "I cheerfully and bountifully sow blessings into the lives of others, and therefore I reap blessings bountifully.”
- “Wisdom endows me with wealth and fills my treasuries.”
- “Hope in God causes impossibilities in my life to become possibilities.”
- “In all things, I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.”
Mark 10:27, 2 Corinthians 9:8, James 1:5, James 3:17, Romans 15:13, Romans 8:37
Next week we will begin Spiritual warfare, tune into the Lord. He has answers for your troubles; you are a victor!
John Cento
Overseer, Mission Wildfire International
My friends, what kind of lifestyle do you live? Is it one that...